Antidote User Guide

User Guide / The French Module / Presentation

The French Module

The English Module of Antidote you have been using is the worthy successor to the French version, developed over twenty years by a highly experienced team of linguists and computer scientists and incorporating a colossal amount of information on the French language. All the features you have come to appreciate in the English Module—the corrector, the dictionaries, the guides and all their support modules—were created to the same high standard as in the French Module, scrupulously tailored to the linguistic, stylistic and typographic particularities of that language.

Every effort has been made to ensure that the two languages coexist elegantly in the application. The same toolbar allows you to make use of Antidote’s resources in both languages; the application will automatically select the appropriate language according to the context. The corrector can alternate between English and French texts, even within the same document if necessary, and sorts its results accordingly. Antidote has full-fledged bilingual dictionaries, including translations for the different meanings of each word. What’s more, the guides allow you to switch seamlessly between languages to articles that deal with equivalent subjects.

With the French Module, you add a whole new dimension to your Antidote: a state-of-the art grammar checker that’s as rich and efficient in the language of Molière as it is in the language of Shakespeare.

This chapter lays out all the varied content and powerful functions that come with Antidote’s optional French Module. It focuses on features that are particular to the French Module, referring you to previous chapters for those that are shared with the English Module.