Antidote User Guide

User Guide / The Dictionaries / Dictionary of Definitions / Wikipedia


Only available with Antidote Desktop

After reading a word’s definition, you may want to find out even more about it or to consult an encyclopedia. A link to the Wikipedia online encyclopedia is displayed in the More section of the right-hand panel for a noun or proper noun, and in the More section of the additional information bubble for many expressionsthe expressions in black (click the icon beside the expression to display it). The clickable expressions shown in blue include an External resources section in the details panel. Note that you must tick the Wikipedia checkbox in the External Resources Panel of the Interface Settings for this option to apply.

Click the link and Antidote will search Wikipedia for the headword or expression and display the results directly in the dictionaries window. You can use the history arrows (), search bar and button as if Wikipedia were one of Antidote’s own dictionaries.

Wikipedia is an encyclopedia written entirely by Internet-based contributors, and Druide has no control over its quality. An active Internet connection is required to consult Wikipedia articles.

Clicking a link in a Wikipedia article

Wikipedia articles include many links. Some are internal, meaning they point to other Wikipedia articles. Clicking an internal link will display the corresponding Wikipedia article directly in Antidote. Other links are external, indicated by an arrow. Clicking an external link will display the corresponding page in your browser.

Viewing a Wikipedia image

Wikipedia articles often have interesting images or graphics, in a reduced size. Click an image and Antidote will maximize it. You can copy these images and use them in your documents, but first check the user rights for each by clicking “More details” just below the image to view licensing information.

Returning to a previous article

Your Wikipedia access history is recorded in the same way as your search history is in Antidote’s dictionaries, so you can easily go back to an article you consulted earlier. It may take a bit longer to load a Wikipedia article than an entry in the dictionaries given that Antidote communicates with Wikipedia over the Internet. A Wikipedia section will appear at the bottom of the list of dictionaries in the sidebar and will remain displayed there so long as the headword doesn’t change. You can consult the definition or synonyms in Antidote, for instance, then return to the Wikipedia article by clicking Wikipedia in the list.

Consulting Wikipedia for information on a word not recognized by Antidote

Wikipedia recognizes many terms that Antidote does not. To see a Wikipedia article for such a word, enter it as the headword and click the Wikipedia link as usual.

  • Instant search may try to replace the word you are entering with another one. If so, your word will still appear in red at the bottom of the suggestions list in the search menu, and you can select it.

Opening a Wikipedia article in your browser

At the end of a Wikipedia article, Antidote adds a “Show original web site” link. Click this link to display the article in your browser.

Settings for Wikipedia access

In some situations, you may want to restrict or even prevent access to Wikipedia. You can adjust your Antidote settings to remove the link to Wikipedia entirely, or to get Antidote to try and filter any offensive Wikipedia content. For more information, see External Resources Panel and Access Control Panel in the Interface Settings section of the Settings chapter.