Antidote User Guide

User Guide / The Dictionaries / Dictionary of Definitions / Definitions


Main meanings

Each main meaning is preceded by a large green diamond ().


Each sub-meaning (nuance in meaning or use) is preceded by a smaller green bullet ().


The examples are displayed in grey. They follow the definition they are intended to illustrate and clarify.

Condensed or full display

For a smoother reading experience, especially on entries with larger content, Antidote limits the number of examples displayed. If necessary, click the square brackets at the end of the block of examples ([…]) to reveal all the examples, then [Reduce] to return to the default display. If you prefer that Antidote systematically display all the examples, click the button to the right of the header, then activate the Show all examples option.

Usual prepositions

Antidote can highlight the prepositions that usually follow the current word in the examples provided. Click the button to the right of the header, then activate the Highlight prepositions option.


Labels, in small caps, indicate the context in which the meaning they precede is used. Domain labels, in black font, indicate the sector of activity to which the meaning applies (e.g. ASTRONOMY, EDUCATION, MUSIC). Usage labels indicate specific linguistic registers of the meaning (e.g. level of formality, regionalism, irony). Most of usage labels are blue (e.g. INFORMAL, UK, EUPHEMISM), but some are displayed in red (e.g. TABOO, SLUR, VULGAR) to attract your attention, as they require careful review.

Semantic and syntactic divisions

When a single word has many different meanings, the definitions are sometimes divided into semantic groups, making the entry easier to read and particular definitions easier to find. For example, the definitions for the verb have are grouped into three sections: “Possess”, “Experience”, and “Do Something”. You can use the hide/show chevronstriangles to hide any semantic groups that are not of interest.

Additionally, entries for cardinal numbers feature syntactic divisions, since they can represent more than one syntactic category. They are split into the following groups: Determiner or Adjective (e.g. seven years, the twelve people I saw) and Pronoun or Noun (e.g. I’ll see you at eleven, six of my friends).

Map links

Most place names (including World Heritage Sites) have a definition followed by the icon, linking you directly to an online map (the map service is controlled by Antidote’s settings)Google Maps.

World Heritage links

Definitions of UNESCO World Heritage sites are followed by the icon, which provides a direct link to the relevant page on UNESCO’s website.