Antidote User Guide

User Guide / Customizations / Personal Dictionaries / Import formats

Import formats

Only available with Antidote Desktop

This document presents the structure of the export and import files of Antidote’s personal dictionaries.

Structure of the Export and Import Files

Word Language

Bilingual Antidote

If the words will be imported into a version of Antidote that handles both languages, the language of each of the words must be specified. One of the following three identifiers must be used:

*   FR: French
*   EN: English
*   ML: Multilingual (English and French)

If the dictionary contains words from only one language, the language is specified globally by putting the identifier in parentheses at the beginning of the file in the following comment:


If the dictionary contains English words and French words, the language identifier is added as the first attribute (see the section below on Importing eight tokens);

If the language is not identified according to these specifications, an import error will occur.

Monolingual Antidote

Specifying the words’ language is not necessary when Antidote handles a single language. By default, the language will correspond to the one handled by your version of Antidote.


Antidote tries to guess the file’s encoding based on the content and your system platform. You can also tell Antidote which encoding you are using by inserting the special comment coding: at the beginning of the file followed by the encoding identifier.

Choose from the following identifiers:

  • mac_roman
  • iso8859_15
  • cp1252
  • utf_8
  • utf_16_le
  • utf_16_be


// coding: utf_8

Importing One Token

If a line contains a single token, that token is considered the base form; Antidote infers the word’s syntactic category, and (if required by the category) its morphology or verb model. In multilingual Antidote, the word’s language must be specified globally at the top of the file with a special comment (see the Word language section)


Importing Two Tokens

If a line contains two tokens, the first token is considered the base form and the second is considered the syntactic category. Antidote infers the word’s morphology or verb model accordingly.

In multilingual Antidote, the word’s language must be specified globally at the top of the file with a special comment (see the Word language section)


Importing eight tokens

If a line contains eight tokens, these tokens are considered in the following order:

  • Base form
  • Category
  • Inflection 1 field
  • Inflection 2 field
  • Inflection 3 field
  • Inflection 4 field
  • Attributes separated by +
  • Definition

    • To introduce a new definition, insert the “◊” character.
    • To introduce a new paragraph, insert the “\r” characters.
    • For a multilingual word, it is possible to specify a definition for each language. All definitions are included in the same field. The French definition must be preceded by the keyword |FR| and the English definition by the keyword |EN|.


      |FR|Définition de « ABCDEFG »|EN|Definition of “ABCDEFG”

Accepted Categories

French Words

  • Acronyme (acronym or initialism)
  • Adj (adjective)
  • Adv (adverb)
  • Interj (interjection)
  • LocutionLatine (Latin expression)
  • Nom (common noun)
  • NP (proper noun)
  • Verbe (verb)
  • Pref (prefix)

English Words

  • Acronym (acronym or initialism)
  • Adj (adjective)
  • Adv (adverb)
  • Interj (interjection)
  • Noun (common noun)
  • PN (proper noun)
  • Verb (verb)

Multilingual Words

  • Acronyme (acronym or initialism)
  • Acronym (acronym or initialism)
  • NP (proper noun)
  • PN (proper noun)

Inflection Fields

French Words

  • Acronym, adjective, adjectival Latin expression, noun, proper noun
    • Inflection 1 field: Masculine singular
    • Inflection 2 field: Masculine plural
    • Inflection 3 field: Feminine singular
    • Inflection 4 field: Feminine plural
  • Verb
    • Inflection 1 field: Verb model
    • Inflection 2 field: Leave empty
    • Inflection 3 field: Leave empty
    • Inflection 4 field: Leave empty
  • Adverb, adverbial Latin expression, interjection, prefix
    • Inflection 1 field: Leave empty
    • Inflection 2 field: Leave empty
    • Inflection 3 field: Leave empty
    • Inflection 4 field: Leave empty

English Words

  • Noun, acronym
    • Inflection 1 field: Singular
    • Inflection 2 field: Plural
    • Inflection 3 field: Leave empty
    • Inflection 4 field: Leave empty
  • Adjective
    • Inflection 1 field: Singular
    • Inflection 2 field: Comparative
    • Inflection 3 field: Superlative
    • Inflection 4 field: Leave empty
  • Verb
    • Inflection 1 field: 3rd person
    • Inflection 2 field: Past
    • Inflection 3 field: Past participle
    • Inflection 4 field: Present participle
  • Adverb, interjection, proper noun
    • Inflection 1 field: Leave empty
    • Inflection 2 field: Leave empty
    • Inflection 3 field: Leave empty
    • Inflection 4 field: Leave empty

Multilingual Words

  • Acronym, proper noun
    • Inflection 1 field: Masculine singular
    • Inflection 2 field: Masculine plural
    • Inflection 3 field: Feminine singular
    • Inflection 4 field: Feminine plural

Attributes and Sub-Attributes Accepted for Each Category

French Words

  • Noun
    • Chose
      • Entite
      • Diplome
    • Personne
      • Fonction
    • Animal
    • UniteMesure
  • Adjective
    • Habitant
      • Langue
  • Interjection
    • Sensation
    • Message
    • Bruit
  • Adverb
    • Maniere
    • Temps
    • Lieu
  • Latin Expression
    • Adjectif
    • Adverbe
  • Proper Noun
    • Famille
    • Prenom
    • Compagnie
    • Marque
    • Lieu
      • VoieDeCirculation
      • Ville
      • Ile
      • Region
      • CoursDeau
      • CorpsCeleste
    • Habitant
      • Langue
    • TitreOeuvre
    • Autre
  • Acronym
    • Compagnie
    • Chose
      • NonComptable
      • Diplome
    • Personne
      • FonctionSociale
  • Verb
    • No attribute is accepted
    • Accepted models
      • Aimer
      • Finir
      • Courir
      • Rendre
  • Prefix
    • FacultTDU
    • BesoinTDU
    • ErreurTDU
    • FacultTDUReforme
    • BesoinTDUReforme
    • ErreurTDUReforme

English Words

  • Noun
    • Thing
      • Entity
      • Diploma
    • Person
      • Profession
    • Animal
    • Group
    • UnitOfMeasurement
  • Adjective
    • Demonym
      • Language
  • Interjection
    • Emotional
    • Message
    • Sound
  • Adverb
    • Manner
    • Time
    • Place
  • Proper Noun
    • LastName
    • FirstName
    • Company
    • Brand
    • Place
      • Street
      • Town
      • Island
      • Region
      • CourseOfWater
      • CelestialBody
    • Demonym
      • Language
    • TitleOfAWork
    • Other
  • Acronym
    • Company
    • Thing
      • Uncountable
      • Diploma
    • Person
      • Profession
  • Verb
    • No attribute is accepted

Multilingual Words

  • Proper Noun
    • Famille, LastName
    • Prenom, FirstName
    • Compagnie, Company
    • Marque, Brand
    • Lieu, Place
      • VoieDeCirculation, Street
      • Ville, Town
      • Ile, Island
      • Region, Region
      • CorpsCeleste, CelestialBody
    • Habitant, Demonym
      • Langue, Language
    • TitreOeuvre, TitleOfAWork
    • Autre, Other
  • Acronym
    • Compagnie, Company
    • Chose, Thing
      • NonComptable, Uncountable
      • Diplome, Diploma
    • Personne, Person
      • FonctionSociale, Profession
  • Make sure that each sub-attribute is accompanied by its attribute and that they use the spellings listed above. They must be separated by a "+" symbol, with no spaces.