

You can use Antidote in PowerPoint the following ways:

  • to correct all slides in a presentation, click the background of the main panel displaying the first slide;
  • to correct all slides starting with the active slide, click the background of the main panel displaying the current slide;
  • to correct a series of consecutive slides, display your presentation in Outline View and select the slides in question;
  • to correct all the text on a single slide, press Ctrl + A or display the slide in Outline View;
  • to correct only some of the text on a slide, select the text you want to correct within the corresponding text box;
  • to correct the presentation notes, select the text you want to correct.

After selecting the element(s) you want to correct, launch the corrector from Antidote’s ribbon.


You can access all Antidote’s resources under the Antidote tab in the ribbon.

Access specific dictionaries and guides by clicking the chevron beside the corresponding resource icon and selecting from the options in the menu. Additional options are available in the column to the right of the resource icons.

Quick Access Toolbar

Add Antidote’s resources to the Quick Access Toolbar at the very top of the window by right-clicking the corrector icon in the ribbon and selecting Add to Quick Access Toolbar from the context menu. You can also add the dictionaries and the guides to the toolbar.

  • Add to Quick Access Toolbar
  • Result

Context Menu

Select the text you want to correct or the word you want to look up, then right-click the selection to open the context menu and choose the resource you want to use.

Antidote Agent

The Antidote Agent is represented by a flask icon in the system tray next to the clock, near the bottom right corner of your screen. You may need to click the chevron to display all the icons in the notification area. Right-click the flask icon to open the menu and access all Antidote’s resources and more.

To correct a passage or to look up a word:

  1. Select the text.
  2. Right-click Antidote’s flask icon.
  3. Select the resource you want to use from the menu.

You can use this menu to launch Antidote from any application you are writing in. If Antidote integrates with the software in question, any changes you make in the corrector will be applied automatically to the source text. Otherwise, you need to copy the corrected text and paste it back into the original document.