Types of Errors Handled

Antidote 12’s corrector:

In the following list, the errors are preceded by an asterisk.

  • corrects spelling mistakes (*mentionned)
  • corrects errors in determiner–noun agreement (this days, much people)
  • corrects errors in subject–verb agreement (My sister and I *was there, the man who *sleep)
  • corrects errors in noun pluralization (the informations, scared of height)
  • corrects meaning errors caused by homophones or near-homophones (a *discrete cough)
  • corrects “a/an” confusion (*an hospital)
  • corrects “your/you’re”(*Your late again.), “its/it’s” (*Its cold here), “their/they’re/there” (read *they’re book), “less/fewer” (*less people) and many other confused words
  • corrects words commonly confused by non-anglophones such as “take/make/do” and “say/tell
  • corrects errors in fixed expressions (*could care less)
  • corrects incorrect inflections in irregular verbs (*payed)
  • corrects errors of the possessive (the boss’ son, a childs mind)
  • corrects errors of compound tenses (I didn’t understood., They’re entitle to benefits.)
  • corrects gerund vs infinitive errors (I enjoy *to write)
  • corrects errors of mood (I suggest you *to go)
  • corrects comparative and superlative usage errors (He is *youngest than her.)
  • corrects question tag errors (He lives here, *isn’t he?)
  • corrects number syntax (three thousands students, 32st)
  • corrects constructions common among to non-anglophones (I *have 34 years.)
  • corrects determiner errors (I like *the nature.)
  • corrects preposition errors (They arrived at home., In the end of the day)
  • corrects relative pronoun errors (my neighbor *which sued me)
  • corrects errors in syntactic hyphen usage (a three day trip, a badly-designed poster)
  • corrects word order: adjectives, adverbs and more (a *red huge circle)
  • corrects word separation (She likes it alot., Johns eems sad.)
  • corrects duplicate words (go to *to bed)
  • corrects word/numeral usage in numbers (I have *2 cats.)
  • flags false friends (by *hazard)
  • flags Canadianisms (washroom), Americanisms (restroom), Britishisms (lorry), and other national varieties of English
  • keeps track of register (informal, slang, formal, no longer used)
  • flags offensive language
  • flags redundancy (an actual fact)
  • flags spelling inconsistencies within a text (signaled/signalled)
  • corrects inconsistencies in word/numeral usage in numbers (twelve dollars (*$10))
  • corrects comma usage errors, including serial commas (The *show, will start soon.)
  • corrects errors in end punctuation (*Who knows.)
  • corrects the position of the closing quotation mark in relation to the comma or period (He said, "I will*".)
  • checks the format and validity of dates (Saturday, November 3rd, 2015)
  • checks for correct capitalization, including in titles (War And Peace, russian literature)
  • checks spacing (*30 %)
  • checks typography of dashes, quotation marks, times, numbers and addresses
  • flags instances of repetition
  • flags long sentences
  • flags nested phrases (my brother’s girlfriend’s mother)
  • flags passive, impersonal and verbless sentences
  • flags commonplace verbs