Developer Tools

Application Program Interface Protocols

If you are developing software with a built-in text editor or a web application with text fields, you can easily integrate access to Antidote’s corrector, dictionaries and guides. Simply implement the appropriate API (Application Program Interface) protocol below so that your users can take advantage of our powerful correction tool.

Get in touch if you are thinking of implementing these protocols. That way, we can let Antidote’s users know about your software or application. Please note that your users will still need to purchase and install a copy of Antidote (locally or on a server).

WebSocket (Windows, macOS and Linux)

This API, based on WebSocket technology, allows you to integrate Antidote with your application. Version 1.0 of the API is available with Connectix 12 v1.1. Documentation to follow (please contact us at for more details)

COM API for Windows

This API, based on COM (Component Object Model) technology, allows you to integrate Antidote with your application. You can download a full SDK with an example. Version 2.0 of the API is compatible with Antidote 9.5+ and Antidote 12

Download For an English version, please contact us at

D-Bus API for Linux

This API, based on D-Bus (Desktop Bus) technology, allows you to integrate Antidote with your application. You can download a full SDK with an example.

Download For an English version, please contact us at

JS-Connect API for browsers (Windows, macOS, Linux)

This JavaScript-based API allows you to add Antidote’s three buttons (Corrector, Dictionaries and Guides) to your web application. You can download a full SDK with an example.

Download For an English version, please contact us at

macOS services

macOS services allow your application to send Antidote the text you wish to correct or the words you want to look up in our dictionaries or guides. (Antidote also has a Dock menu that can correct the contents of the clipboard.) More info