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Reformulation Mode

Concocted from recent advancements in generative AI and infused with Druide’s extensive expertise, Reformulation gives you access to a new type of writing assistance that blends seamlessly with your revision process. It provides you with options for rewording your work that remain true to your ideas and preferences.

Reformulation mode lets you reframe your writing through four views, each serving a different purpose.


Get suggestions for reformulating your writing generically. Antidote organizes its propositions in the tooltip from the one most faithful to the source to the most creative option. Simply choose the reformulation that best reflects your thoughts.
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With this view, you can take a targeted approach to reformulating your writing and improving your style. Antidote provides a curated selection of suggestions that specifically target passive or impersonal constructions, commonplace verbs, double negatives, nested phrases and long sentences. Use it to touch up a text so it flows better and feels more dynamic.
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This view focuses on the emotional content of your message. Antidote keeps an eye out for passages that might be ill received by your reader and suggests gentler, more measured alternatives. It even keeps tabs on other seemingly innocuous but potentially problematic features of your text, like the excessive use of exclamation points or caps lock.
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This view streamlines your work by reformulating each paragraph to make it shorter without straying from the original meaning. A succinct writing style is easier to read and understand. For each suggestion, Antidote lets you know how much it has trimmed your text by displaying the number of words and characters cut.
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Whether you’re looking to shorten a text, to improve its style or soften its tone, Reformulation mode comes up with smart solutions for reshaping your writing that stay true to your ideas. Choose the view that best suits your needs, explore the proposed replacement options and rediscover writing’s simple pleasures.