Email address verification

By verifying your email address, you are strengthening your account’s security by guaranteeing that you are its legitimate user. A valid email address is also of use if you ever forget your password or need to contact our Customer Service. If you have not yet received the email, please make sure to check your junk mail folder. You might be able to find the verification email there.

Please note that verifying your email address does not result in a subscription to our newsletter. You will not be bombarded with useless emails and your email address will never be shared with individuals or organizations external to Druide. Any personal information collected on our site is not available to the public.

Can't find the answer to your question?

If you have not yet found your answer in our Help Centre, contact us and we will try to help you. If your request is technical in nature, make sure you have downloaded the most recent free update for your copy of Antidote. Please note that access to this platform requires the use of your Client Portal identifiers.

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