Organization Client Portal User Guide

Organization Client Portal User Guide / Users / Roles in the Organization

Roles in the Organization

Each user must be assigned a role within the organization. There are four roles available with a subscription to Antidote Web, and two with an Antidote multi-user license.


Administrators have access to the full version of the Organization Client Portal and have full management privileges. A single organization can have multiple administrators.

Main Contact

One administrator is always designated the main contact for the organization. Their account is identified in the Client Portal user list by the Main contact tag that appears beneath their Role in the organization and is subject to certain restrictions for security reasons. If you need to change the main contact for your organization, reach out to Antidote Support.


Technicians have access to the full version of the Organization Client Portal, but they cannot add other technicians or create administrators.

Group Supervisor (Antidote Web Only) BETA

Group supervisors have access to a simplified version of the Organization Client Portal for the groups of which they are a member.

User (Antidote Web Only)

Basic users have access to a simplified version of the Organization Client Portal where they can find their personal settings, and a link to Antidote Web if they have been granted access to it.

Note – It is not possible to assign the user role or the group supervisor role under a multi-user license, as these roles are exclusive to Antidote Web. Only administrator and technician roles, which allow account management and access to installers, are available.

Privileges Administrator Technician Group Supervisor User (Basic)
Manage and create administrator accounts
Manage and create technician accounts
Manage and create groups
Manage and create user accounts
Download multi-user Antidote installers, if applicable
Access information about multi-user licenses, if applicable
Grant access to Antidote Web, if applicable
Manage settings for groups of which they are a member
Access to documentation
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