Antidote 9 User Guide

 Attention — This page presents content from an old edition. Consult the documentation for the current release instead.

User Guide / Using with your other software / Mac / Services


Antidote can be accessed from any application that is compatible with the Services menu in macOS.


To display Antidote’s resources within the macOS Services menu:

  1. Click System Preferences.
  2. Click Keyboard.
  3. Select Services in the list on the left.
  4. Check the desired services:
    • Antidote — Corrector
    • Antidote — Dictionaries
    • Antidote — Guides

Note - Antidote already inserts its commands in the context menu of most applications. In such cases, the Service commands may appear in duplicate. The first are generally preferable.


  1. Select the text to be corrected or the word to be looked up.
  2. Right-click (or Ctrl+click) on the selected text. In the context menu that opens, select the desired resource.
  3. Antidote opens that resource.

Note — The corrector will sometimes copy the text into a working document before correcting it. If so, you will need to copy and paste the corrections back into the original document. Some formatting may be lost when the text is transferred to Antidote.