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Choose the solution that best meets your needs, then select the language you want Antidote to handle: English or French. For a small extra charge, Antidote handles both languages together and includes translations for 2.7 million words and expressions.

If you already own an earlier edition, check out our upgrade options.

Antidote+ Personal
Antidote+ Family

Antidote+ Personal

One-year subscription for 1 user to all three applications in the product line
per year

The perfect choice for anyone who wants to correct text on all their devices and benefit from everything Antidote has to offer.

Antidote+ Family

One-year subscription for 5 users to all three applications in the product line
per year

Without a doubt, the best value for any family with two or more members all living under the same roof.

Antidote+ Subscription Features

Exclusive Benefits of Subscribing to Antidote+

Three Applications

Access the entire product line: Antidote 12, Antidote Web and Antidote Mobile.

Correct Your Text on Any Device

Remedy your writing from any computer, tablet or smartphone, including Android and Chromebook.


Get smart solutions for reshaping your writing that stay true to your ideas.

Audio Pronunciation

Hear words and expressions pronounced with accents from London and Toronto.


Synchronize your data and settings across the three applications and all your devices.

Expanded Linguistic Content

Enjoy discovering new words and guide articles, and benefiting from corrector enhancements on an ongoing basis.

Updates and Upgrades

Receive updates and upgrades at no extra cost.

Technical Support

Find the support you need to get the most out of your Antidote+ subscription.


  • These offers are for individuals only. Otherwise, see our solutions for organizations.
  • If you’re using an older operating system or word processor, first check that it’s compatible with Antidote.
  • Prices in Canadian dollars, plus taxes where applicable.

Support a Local Business

Pick up the boxed version of Antidote+ Personal or Antidote+ Family at a retailer near you, where you can often get it at a lower price. In addition to supporting a local business, you’ll find a bonus French-language trivia card game in the box. It makes a great gift!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I try Antidote out before buying?

Yes! You can try Antidote+ free for 30 days and test out the powerful corrector, comprehensive dictionaries and detailed language guides on all your devices with all three Antidote applications: Antidote 12, Antidote Web and Antidote Mobile.

Can I pay for Antidote on a monthly basis?

No. The annual subscription is billed in a single payment. That way, you don’t have to worry about it for the rest of the year! What’s more, you’ll be eligible for a discount when you renew.

Upgrade to Antidote+ and Get Two Free Novels!
French-language digital download (ePub, PDF)
Claire Bergeron
Sur les ruines de sa vie
Amos, 1929. Par une froide nuit de janvier, l’immeuble d’Aubert de La Durantaye, abritant trois logements et son cabinet de dentiste, est la proie des flammes. Atterrée, la foule ne peut que constater que trois personnes, dont l’assistante du docteur et son fils, n’ont pas pu fuir le brasier. Quand il apprend la terrible nouvelle, Aubert, de passage à Québec pour les funérailles de son beau-père, s’écroule, tandis que son épouse, Euphrosine, demeure de marbre. Quelle insolite voie du destin a réuni ces deux êtres aux antipodes l’un de l’autre ? Aubert est chaleureux, avide d’amour et de liberté, alors qu’Euphrosine est froide, narcissique, et vit uniquement pour parader sa fascinante beauté dans les salons huppés de la ville de Québec. D’évidence, de lourds secrets se cachent dans l’ombre de leur intimité…
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Catherine Lafrance
L’étonnante mémoire des glaces
Une enquête de Michel Duquesne
La pluie verglaçante est tombée toute la nuit. Montréal ressemble à une patinoire. Dans la salle de rédaction à moitié vide d’un quotidien, où trainent encore des guirlandes de Noël, des reporters rentrent lentement au travail, tandis qu’à Saint-Albert-sur-le-Lac, village aux allures de carte postale niché au cœur des Cantons-de-l’Est, on constate les conséquences tragiques d’un incendie. Le journaliste Michel Duquesne est dépêché sur place. Une révélation étonnante, puis des traces emprisonnées dans la glace vont l’amener sur une piste qui l’exposera à des dangers insoupçonnés, tout en réveillant en lui des monstres de son enfance. Au grand dam de ses patrons, Duquesne n’en fera qu’à sa tête pour aller au fond de cette affaire.
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